有时阳光, 有时月光, 莉珊·莱昂斯的声音随着旋律起舞, 取笑, 邀请你一起. 作为空军乐队的特色歌手,多年来深受观众的喜爱, 这位天才歌手曾在世界各地演出, including a star turn in the national touring company of Cy Coleman’s Tony Award-winning City of Angels. 她的个人专辑《最靠谱的网赌软件》,由约翰·图米三人组录制, drew raves like this one from 的 Washington Post: "Lisanne里昂…reminds us of the magic that can happen when the right singer, 合适的歌曲和合适的伴奏都到位了. 拥有光明的祝福, flutelike女高音, Lyons delivers a collection of cheery themes and dreamy ballads particularly well-suited to her bright tone and improvisational flair.”
Lisanne Lyon’s career began immediately following high school as the featured vocalist for the Air Force Bands. During her years in the service she performed and traveled worldwide with the “Norad Command Band, 金门乐队的特拉维斯·阿夫,和美国。.S. 空军学院猎鹰队.” She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s of Music and Doctorate in Music from the University of Miami Frost School of Music. 作为一名学生, she received two Down Beat “Dee Bee” awards for Best Jazz Vocalist and one for Best Jazz Arrangement. She was also invited to be a featured performer with Joel Grey on the NBC televised Orange Bowl half-time show, “你会从科尔身上得到乐趣。.放学后不久, Cy Coleman selected her to replace Monica Mancini in the national touring company of his Tony award winning “City of Angels.”
Dr. 莱昂斯曾与伍迪·赫尔曼管弦乐团合作演出, 梅纳德·弗格森,新波普音乐, 阿图罗桑多瓦尔市, 拉里Elgart, 迈阿密大学音乐会爵士乐队, 洛亚诺克交响曲, 棕榈滩棒棒糖, 拉斯奥拉斯录音室乐团, 南佛罗里达爵士乐团, 日出流行乐团, 糖果乐队, 大急流城交响乐团, 哈兰代尔流行乐团, 阿尔斯·弗洛雷斯管弦乐团, 吉恩·克鲁帕管弦乐团与迈克尔·伯科维茨, 瑞典的XL Big Band乐队, 哈利·詹姆斯管弦乐队, 阿蒂·肖管弦乐团, 还有全国各地的乐队. 她还与许多世界顶级爵士艺术家合作,如玛丽亚施耐德, 博比·麦克费林, 马克·墨菲, 四个新生, 摩斯艾莉森, 乔恩·亨德里克斯, 布莱登不, 保罗Bollenbach, 泰德·罗森塔尔, 爱尔兰共和军沙利文, 达菲杰克逊, 吉姆·普, 哈罗德•琼斯, 戴夫·伯克曼, 依莲伊莱亚斯, 克劳迪娅Acuna, 巴基Pizzerelli, 加里·伯顿, 丹尼斯DiBlasio, 约翰Fedchock, 沃尔特•白, 凯文Mahagony, 还有很多其他的. Lisanne has recorded two solo CD’s, “Right as the Rain,” and “Smile,” with the John Toomey trio. 《最靠谱的网赌软件》受到了包括《最靠谱的网赌软件》和《最靠谱的网赌软件》杂志在内的评论界的好评. 她作为表演者、评委、编曲家和指挥家都很受欢迎.
2023 - 2024赛季
约翰Sipher, 科罗拉多交响乐团的首席长号手, returns home to Virginia to present an eclectic recital of original compositions and arrangements. 除了标准的长号和钢琴乐器, 约翰还带来了一个循环踏板,在现场创建一个虚拟长号合唱团.
2023年10月16日星期一下午2点.m. 钱德勒独奏厅,迪恩中心
伊塔玛Zorman, 小提琴
迈克尔•卡茨 大提琴
莉莎斯特, 钢琴
拉山德钢琴三重奏被《最靠谱的网赌软件》称赞为“令人难以置信的合奏”, 充满激情的演奏, articulate and imaginative ideas and wide palette of colors” and by 的 Washington Post for “an uncommon degree of heart-on-the-sleeve emotional frankness” and “vivid engagement carried by soaring, 成熟浪漫的演奏.“该组织以令人兴奋的节目而闻名, finding creative ways to connect well-known masterworks with pieces by lesser-known and underrepresented composers, 发现跨越文化和时代的共同点. 的 Trio’s debut recording After A Dream (CAG Records) was acclaimed by 《最靠谱的网赌软件》 for its “polished and spirited interpretations.它的最新专辑, 镜子, 该乐团已委托或首演的六部作品的全球首演录音, 由First Hand Records于2021年初发行.
2022-23赛季, the Trio performs at series around North America including New York’s Central Chamber Series, 康涅狄格州的南温莎文化艺术, 佛罗里达的基韦斯特即兴古典音乐会和萨尼贝尔音乐节, 怀俄明州的怀俄明剧院, 李大学总统音乐会系列, 以及埃德蒙顿室内乐协会. 今年春天, the Lysander also launches its new tango-infused collaboration with Argentine bandoneon player and composer JP Jofre, with performances from Washington’s Dumbarton Concerts to Phoenix’s Hayden’s Ferry Chamber Music Series.
所描述的 《最靠谱的网赌软件》 就像有“黄油”一样, 蓬勃发展的男中音,亚历克斯·德索西奥(威奇托), KS), 在西北大学获得医学博士学位,在马里兰大学获得硕士学位. 亚历克斯曾在许多地区歌剧公司担任首席艺术家,包括, 沃斯堡歌剧院, 彭萨科拉歌剧, 安克雷奇的歌剧, 歌剧孟菲斯, 利弗莫尔谷歌剧, Castleton节日, 圣巴巴拉歌剧院, 以及太平洋歌剧计划. 奖项包括成为2次大都会议会海选的半决赛选手, 优胜者/获奖者与伊丽莎白女王比赛. 买到票►
Alkemie exists to explore and share the life-affirming and alternative perspectives to be experienced in the sounds of centuries past. 由演奏十多种乐器(包括维尔维尔乐器)的歌手和表演者组成, 竖琴, 古代弦乐器, 吉坦, 录音机, doucaines, 和打击乐器), the ensemble has a particular interest in the porous boundaries between the court and folk music of the Medieval period. 基于历史的表演实践和对实验的热爱, Alkemie’s performance on the Indianapolis Early Music Festival in June 2018 was lauded as “enchanting” and “indicating [the] future health of the field of early music.”
成立于2013年, Alkemie is based in Brooklyn and also performs nationally; since 2018 they have maintained a partnership with the Medieval Studies program at 福特汉姆大学. 除了在纽约发展一个系列, 阿尔克米曾在阿默斯特早期音乐节上演出, 亚利桑那州早期音乐协会, 剑桥早期音乐协会, 国会早期音乐系列, 五区音乐节, 约翰霍普金斯大学的艺术项目, 人文学科 & 健康, Music Before 1800, and the European Early Music Network virtual Early Music Day festival. Alkemie还为电子游戏《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》策划、录制和作曲.
本赛季, Alkemie looks forward to debuting new programs featuring a collaboration with the Grammy-nominated duo Chapter House featuring 12th-century repertoire and the fables of Marie de France ("Call Me Marie"); an indie-rock troubadour collaboration with Charles Mueller and his band table tennis (“Fine Companion”); and a collaboration with medieval luminary and composer Shira Kammen that focuses on the works of Guillaume DuFay ("Awesome is this Place").
Alkemie’s members are also committed to the lively teaching of medieval and Renaissance performance practice and history. Alkemie has been in residence at Fairmont State University and has created workshops and educational outreach programs for the 国会早期音乐系列, Ramaz高中(纽约), 以及福特汉姆大学. Alkemie的成员在凯斯西储大学教授大学生和业余学生, 福特汉姆大学, 斯特拉斯莫尔艺术中心, 阿姆赫斯特早期音乐节, 时光, 奥柏林的巴洛克表演学院, 并通过早期音乐接触项目. 买到票►
免费的业务 & 创业写作研讨会:2月27日(星期二)下午12:30.m.钱德勒演奏厅
纪念阵亡士兵已经超过25年了, the Norfolk Armed Forces Memorial steadfastly commemorates the lives of all those who died serving their nation in times of war. 的 22 bronze cast letters penned by fallen soldiers that live on in memoriam in downtown Norfolk will now be heard in new musical settings for voice and piano by composer Michael Rickelton.
Rickelton is a composer of “extremely attractive and thoughtfully shaped” (Music Web 国际) music that “seizes the ear” (Gramophone). Composer Lori Laitman described Rickelton as having “a great and clear gift for writing for the voice,他的作品受到了全国各地歌手的青睐. 与他合作的还有广受欢迎的男中音罗斯·塔马乔和合作钢琴家林晓英. 伴随着以士兵经历为灵感的其他作品,世界首演 诺福克的信 延续了诺福克尊重美国军事遗产的杰出传统. 买到票►
有时阳光, 有时月光, 莉珊·莱昂斯的声音随着旋律起舞, 取笑, 邀请你一起. 作为空军乐队的特色歌手,多年来深受观众的喜爱, 这位天才歌手曾在世界各地演出, including a star turn in the national touring company of Cy Coleman’s Tony Award-winning City of Angels. 她的个人专辑《最靠谱的网赌软件》,由约翰·图米三人组录制, drew raves like this one from 的 Washington Post: "Lisanne里昂…reminds us of the magic that can happen when the right singer, 合适的歌曲和合适的伴奏都到位了. 拥有光明的祝福, flutelike女高音, Lyons delivers a collection of cheery themes and dreamy ballads particularly well-suited to her bright tone and improvisational flair.”
Lisanne Lyon’s career began immediately following high school as the featured vocalist for the Air Force Bands. During her years in the service she performed and traveled worldwide with the “Norad Command Band, 金门乐队的特拉维斯·阿夫,和美国。.S. 空军学院猎鹰队.” She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s of Music and Doctorate in Music from the University of Miami Frost School of Music. 作为一名学生, she received two Down Beat “Dee Bee” awards for Best Jazz Vocalist and one for Best Jazz Arrangement. She was also invited to be a featured performer with Joel Grey on the NBC televised Orange Bowl half-time show, “你会从科尔身上得到乐趣。.放学后不久, Cy Coleman selected her to replace Monica Mancini in the national touring company of his Tony award winning “City of Angels.”
Dr. 莱昂斯曾与伍迪·赫尔曼管弦乐团合作演出, 梅纳德·弗格森,新波普音乐, 阿图罗桑多瓦尔市, 拉里Elgart, 迈阿密大学音乐会爵士乐队, 洛亚诺克交响曲, 棕榈滩棒棒糖, 拉斯奥拉斯录音室乐团, 南佛罗里达爵士乐团, 日出流行乐团, 糖果乐队, 大急流城交响乐团, 哈兰代尔流行乐团, 阿尔斯·弗洛雷斯管弦乐团, 吉恩·克鲁帕管弦乐团与迈克尔·伯科维茨, 瑞典的XL Big Band乐队, 哈利·詹姆斯管弦乐队, 阿蒂·肖管弦乐团, 还有全国各地的乐队. 她还与许多世界顶级爵士艺术家合作,如玛丽亚施耐德, 博比·麦克费林, 马克·墨菲, 四个新生, 摩斯艾莉森, 乔恩·亨德里克斯, 布莱登不, 保罗Bollenbach, 泰德·罗森塔尔, 爱尔兰共和军沙利文, 达菲杰克逊, 吉姆·普, 哈罗德•琼斯, 戴夫·伯克曼, 依莲伊莱亚斯, 克劳迪娅Acuna, 巴基Pizzerelli, 加里·伯顿, 丹尼斯DiBlasio, 约翰Fedchock, 沃尔特•白, 凯文Mahagony, 还有很多其他的. Lisanne has recorded two solo CD’s, “Right as the Rain,” and “Smile,” with the John Toomey trio. 《最靠谱的网赌软件》受到了包括《最靠谱的网赌软件》和《最靠谱的网赌软件》杂志在内的评论界的好评. 她作为表演者、评委、编曲家和指挥家都很受欢迎. 买到票►
约翰Sipher, 科罗拉多交响乐团的首席长号手, returns home to Virginia to present an eclectic recital of original compositions and arrangements. 除了标准的长号和钢琴乐器, 约翰还带来了一个循环踏板,在现场创建一个虚拟长号合唱团.
2023年10月16日星期一下午2点.m. 钱德勒独奏厅,迪恩中心
伊塔玛Zorman, 小提琴
迈克尔•卡茨 大提琴
莉莎斯特, 钢琴
拉山德钢琴三重奏被《最靠谱的网赌软件》称赞为“令人难以置信的合奏”, 充满激情的演奏, articulate and imaginative ideas and wide palette of colors” and by 的 Washington Post for “an uncommon degree of heart-on-the-sleeve emotional frankness” and “vivid engagement carried by soaring, 成熟浪漫的演奏.“该组织以令人兴奋的节目而闻名, finding creative ways to connect well-known masterworks with pieces by lesser-known and underrepresented composers, 发现跨越文化和时代的共同点. 的 Trio’s debut recording After A Dream (CAG Records) was acclaimed by 《最靠谱的网赌软件》 for its “polished and spirited interpretations.它的最新专辑, 镜子, 该乐团已委托或首演的六部作品的全球首演录音, 由First Hand Records于2021年初发行.
2022-23赛季, the Trio performs at series around North America including New York’s Central Chamber Series, 康涅狄格州的南温莎文化艺术, 佛罗里达的基韦斯特即兴古典音乐会和萨尼贝尔音乐节, 怀俄明州的怀俄明剧院, 李大学总统音乐会系列, 以及埃德蒙顿室内乐协会. 今年春天, the Lysander also launches its new tango-infused collaboration with Argentine bandoneon player and composer JP Jofre, with performances from Washington’s Dumbarton Concerts to Phoenix’s Hayden’s Ferry Chamber Music Series.
所描述的 《最靠谱的网赌软件》 就像有“黄油”一样, 蓬勃发展的男中音,亚历克斯·德索西奥(威奇托), KS), 在西北大学获得医学博士学位,在马里兰大学获得硕士学位. 亚历克斯曾在许多地区歌剧公司担任首席艺术家,包括, 沃斯堡歌剧院, 彭萨科拉歌剧, 安克雷奇的歌剧, 歌剧孟菲斯, 利弗莫尔谷歌剧, Castleton节日, 圣巴巴拉歌剧院, 以及太平洋歌剧计划. 奖项包括成为2次大都会议会海选的半决赛选手, 优胜者/获奖者与伊丽莎白女王比赛. 买到票►
Alkemie exists to explore and share the life-affirming and alternative perspectives to be experienced in the sounds of centuries past. 由演奏十多种乐器(包括维尔维尔乐器)的歌手和表演者组成, 竖琴, 古代弦乐器, 吉坦, 录音机, doucaines, 和打击乐器), the ensemble has a particular interest in the porous boundaries between the court and folk music of the Medieval period. 基于历史的表演实践和对实验的热爱, Alkemie’s performance on the Indianapolis Early Music Festival in June 2018 was lauded as “enchanting” and “indicating [the] future health of the field of early music.”
成立于2013年, Alkemie is based in Brooklyn and also performs nationally; since 2018 they have maintained a partnership with the Medieval Studies program at 福特汉姆大学. 除了在纽约发展一个系列, 阿尔克米曾在阿默斯特早期音乐节上演出, 亚利桑那州早期音乐协会, 剑桥早期音乐协会, 国会早期音乐系列, 五区音乐节, 约翰霍普金斯大学的艺术项目, 人文学科 & 健康, Music Before 1800, and the European Early Music Network virtual Early Music Day festival. Alkemie还为电子游戏《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》策划、录制和作曲.
本赛季, Alkemie looks forward to debuting new programs featuring a collaboration with the Grammy-nominated duo Chapter House featuring 12th-century repertoire and the fables of Marie de France ("Call Me Marie"); an indie-rock troubadour collaboration with Charles Mueller and his band table tennis (“Fine Companion”); and a collaboration with medieval luminary and composer Shira Kammen that focuses on the works of Guillaume DuFay ("Awesome is this Place").
Alkemie’s members are also committed to the lively teaching of medieval and Renaissance performance practice and history. Alkemie has been in residence at Fairmont State University and has created workshops and educational outreach programs for the 国会早期音乐系列, Ramaz高中(纽约), 以及福特汉姆大学. Alkemie的成员在凯斯西储大学教授大学生和业余学生, 福特汉姆大学, 斯特拉斯莫尔艺术中心, 阿姆赫斯特早期音乐节, 时光, 奥柏林的巴洛克表演学院, 并通过早期音乐接触项目. 买到票►
免费的业务 & 创业写作研讨会:2月27日(星期二)下午12:30.m.钱德勒演奏厅
纪念阵亡士兵已经超过25年了, the Norfolk Armed Forces Memorial steadfastly commemorates the lives of all those who died serving their nation in times of war. 的 22 bronze cast letters penned by fallen soldiers that live on in memoriam in downtown Norfolk will now be heard in new musical settings for voice and piano by composer Michael Rickelton.
Rickelton is a composer of “extremely attractive and thoughtfully shaped” (Music Web 国际) music that “seizes the ear” (Gramophone). Composer Lori Laitman described Rickelton as having “a great and clear gift for writing for the voice,他的作品受到了全国各地歌手的青睐. 与他合作的还有广受欢迎的男中音罗斯·塔马乔和合作钢琴家林晓英. 伴随着以士兵经历为灵感的其他作品,世界首演 诺福克的信 延续了诺福克尊重美国军事遗产的杰出传统. 买到票►
有时阳光, 有时月光, 莉珊·莱昂斯的声音随着旋律起舞, 取笑, 邀请你一起. 作为空军乐队的特色歌手,多年来深受观众的喜爱, 这位天才歌手曾在世界各地演出, including a star turn in the national touring company of Cy Coleman’s Tony Award-winning City of Angels. 她的个人专辑《最靠谱的网赌软件》,由约翰·图米三人组录制, drew raves like this one from 的 Washington Post: "Lisanne里昂…reminds us of the magic that can happen when the right singer, 合适的歌曲和合适的伴奏都到位了. 拥有光明的祝福, flutelike女高音, Lyons delivers a collection of cheery themes and dreamy ballads particularly well-suited to her bright tone and improvisational flair.”
Lisanne Lyon’s career began immediately following high school as the featured vocalist for the Air Force Bands. During her years in the service she performed and traveled worldwide with the “Norad Command Band, 金门乐队的特拉维斯·阿夫,和美国。.S. 空军学院猎鹰队.” She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s of Music and Doctorate in Music from the University of Miami Frost School of Music. 作为一名学生, she received two Down Beat “Dee Bee” awards for Best Jazz Vocalist and one for Best Jazz Arrangement. She was also invited to be a featured performer with Joel Grey on the NBC televised Orange Bowl half-time show, “你会从科尔身上得到乐趣。.放学后不久, Cy Coleman selected her to replace Monica Mancini in the national touring company of his Tony award winning “City of Angels.”
Dr. 莱昂斯曾与伍迪·赫尔曼管弦乐团合作演出, 梅纳德·弗格森,新波普音乐, 阿图罗桑多瓦尔市, 拉里Elgart, 迈阿密大学音乐会爵士乐队, 洛亚诺克交响曲, 棕榈滩棒棒糖, 拉斯奥拉斯录音室乐团, 南佛罗里达爵士乐团, 日出流行乐团, 糖果乐队, 大急流城交响乐团, 哈兰代尔流行乐团, 阿尔斯·弗洛雷斯管弦乐团, 吉恩·克鲁帕管弦乐团与迈克尔·伯科维茨, 瑞典的XL Big Band乐队, 哈利·詹姆斯管弦乐队, 阿蒂·肖管弦乐团, 还有全国各地的乐队. 她还与许多世界顶级爵士艺术家合作,如玛丽亚施耐德, 博比·麦克费林, 马克·墨菲, 四个新生, 摩斯艾莉森, 乔恩·亨德里克斯, 布莱登不, 保罗Bollenbach, 泰德·罗森塔尔, 爱尔兰共和军沙利文, 达菲杰克逊, 吉姆·普, 哈罗德•琼斯, 戴夫·伯克曼, 依莲伊莱亚斯, 克劳迪娅Acuna, 巴基Pizzerelli, 加里·伯顿, 丹尼斯DiBlasio, 约翰Fedchock, 沃尔特•白, 凯文Mahagony, 还有很多其他的. Lisanne has recorded two solo CD’s, “Right as the Rain,” and “Smile,” with the John Toomey trio. 《最靠谱的网赌软件》受到了包括《最靠谱的网赌软件》和《最靠谱的网赌软件》杂志在内的评论界的好评. 她作为表演者、评委、编曲家和指挥家都很受欢迎. 买到票►
关于F. 路德维希·迪恩系列音乐会
F. 路德维希·迪恩系列音乐会 is made possible by an endowment established by the 汉普顿路社区基金会 and a generous gift from F. 路德维希Diehn. 音乐会在这个系列带来显著的古典和爵士音乐家汉普顿路.